We will be transitioning from our Covid-19 specific safety plan to a more generic Communicable Disease Prevention Plan detailed below. This plan will provide company wide guidance moving forward and shall remain in effect indefinitely, adapting to the world as needed. Measures such as hand hygiene, staying home when you are sick, and regular decontamination of high touch surfaces will remain part of our company policy.
Under 6.0 of our Communicable Disease Prevention Plan we are implementing the following additional measures:
- Employees are recommended to wear masks in all indoor spaces and offices
- Employees must wear masks when entering customers’ homes
Communicable Disease Prevention Plan
Note; this plan shall remain in place indefinitely. Additional guidance will be posted above on our website, and distributed to employees as detailed in this plan.
1.0 Monitoring
The OHS team will regularly monitor the sources listed below for new communicable disease related information and respond accordingly. Sources will be checked at least monthly or at a frequency proportional to current risk levels.
- Vancouver Coastal Health: http://www.vch.ca/
- BC Center for Disease Control: http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/news-releases
- Public Health Agency of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health.html
- HealthLink BC: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/public-health-alerts
- Pan American Health Organization:https://www.paho.org/en/epidemiological-alerts-and-updates
2.0 Employee Illness
Employees are expected to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of illness or communicable disease. These may include; headache, runny nose, congestion, coughing, sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sore throat, unexplained aches, pains or fatigue. Employees experiencing any symptoms must report to their immediate manager and the health and safety team by phone for further guidance. In no case are symptomatic employees allowed to interact with other staff or the public until cleared to do so by management based on current health guidance. Staff experiencing symptoms of illness are not allowed to enter office facilities without prior clearance.
3.0 Personal Hygiene
Employees are expected to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer regularly. Employees are to sanitize their hands before and after eating or smoking, after using washroom facilities and upon entering a company vehicle or the office. In addition, all staff should avoid touching their nose and mouth as much as possible. Any staff who are coughing or sneezing due to causes other than illness (allergies, dust, sensitives etc.) must cover their mouth and nose. This may be done by coughing into the elbow or by wearing a mask if the issue is persistent.
4.0 Environmental Sanitation
Employees are expected to maintain a clean and sanitary workspace. Office staff will wipe down high touch surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, phones and shared keyboards) with disinfectant each morning. Office staff are required to clean and maintain communal facilities as necessary as they are used. Additionally, the office, bathroom facilities and food preparation areas will be cleaned by a janitor once per week.
Field staff are required to wipe down door handles, steering wheels and other high contact surfaces in their company vehicles at the start of each shift and regularly throughout each workday as needed.
5.0 Air Quality
Office HVAC systems and vehicle ventilation systems will be maintained in good working order, in accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations.
6.0 Additional Measures
Additional control measures will be implemented and maintained on an as needed basis in accordance with the current guidance and best practices from regional and local health authorities. Additional measures may include masks or respirators, social distancing, compartmentalization or “social bubbles”, working from home and additional sanitization routines as required.
7.0 Communication to Staff
This communicable disease prevention plan will be posted on the company website along with any supplemental information required. Links to this plan as well as any further direction will be communicated through companywide text message and email, as well as through Bonusly, the company’s employee recognition program. Additional training pertaining to new hazards and controls will be provided as necessary.
This plan and signs regarding personal hygiene and facility sanitation will remain posted at the ServiceMaster office.
8.0 Employee Participation
This plan will be reviewed by the JHSC monthly and updated as required. Workers are reminded of their right to refuse unsafe work and their obligation to participate in any of the health and safety decisions of the company. Employees are encouraged to bring all safety concerns to the OH&S team and to their joint health and safety representative immediately.
Navigation Links
- Messages
- Edit Profile
- Employee Training
- JHSC Meetings
- Occurrence Report Form
- Inspection Forms
- Communicable Disease Plan
- Exterior FLHA Skedulo Form
- Exterior Safety Action Cards
- Floor Care/Janitorial Safety
- Health and Safety Files and SDS
- Safety Data Sheets
- WorkSafeBC Regulations